The history of the estancia begins in 1983, when Lita and Pirulo Gomez, along with their son Walter, chose to settle in an inhospitable area of the province of Santa Cruz.
Crossing the Río de Las Vueltas and entering 4 kilometers into the valley of the Río del Bosque, the family built their home in a strategic location on the estancia, where the hills provided shelter from the Patagonian wind. This allowed them to grow fruit trees, such as cherries and apple trees, which still grow around the original house that they built themselves. They were a very hospitable family who enjoyed receiving visitors, so they also had a guest house.

These two homes are today reconditioned in the area we call La Ponderosa.

At that time the town of El Chaltén did not yet exist. It was founded in 1985 to reinforce Argentine sovereignty in the area and help peacefully resolve the marking of the limits with our neighboring country, Chile. The Gomez family, along with other pioneers, by settling in this southern and, at that time, unpopulated land, helped ensure that this entire territory remained within the limits of our country.
While Lita and Pirulo lived on the estancia they dedicated themselves to raising cattle and sheep, however currently we focus on tourist services. Daily we offer adventure activities combined with country cuisine that seeks to keep the Argentine gaucho culture alive.

The activity routes take you to different natural environments, such as the Patagonian Andean forest, with its hills, lagoons and mallines that are home to many birds in spring and summer.

The estancia works with two types of services: on the one hand we offer activities for those who come to enjoy a day outdoors and local cuisine; and on the other hand, we have accommodation for those who also wish to spend the night surrounded by nature from the comfort of our facilities.

Over the years we incorporated services and continued to innovate in new projects to improve the experience of our visitors.